HaRav Avraham Cohen







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HaRav Avraham Cohen ZT”L - Rosh Kollel In Yerushalayim

HaRav Avraham Cohen ZT”L, 81, passed away today from COVID-19 Coronavirus in Shamir Medical Center in Tzrifin. HaRav Cohen was the former head of the Otzer HaChaim Kollel on Chaim Ozer Street in the Bais Yisrael neighborhood of Yerushalayim. Over the past few years, the Niftarad been getting weaker and was living in a nursing home in Bnei Brak. He contacted the virus there and passed away on Thursday in the hospital. Rabbi Cohen was a student of the late Posek Hador, Hagaon HaRav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach ZATZAL, and assisted in the publication of the Shmiras Shabbos Kehilchasa sefarim. He later studied in Ponevezh Maran Harav Shach ZATZAL. He authored the sefarim known as Bikurei Avraham which comprises his shiurim on Shas. The Levaya took place at 9:00PM in Yerushalayim. He was buried in Har Hamenuchos cemetery in the city. Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

HaRav Avraham Cohen