R’ Shlomo Cabessa







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Mr. Cabessa A"H

I was good friends with R' Avrohom (R' Shlomo Cabessa's son) many years back in Mesivta and we continue to share these good feelings; albeit from afar. We had the zechus to be reunited a few times when he came in to visit family and for business. I was so impressed by his accomplishments in learning and harbotzas Torah. When davening at the "Beis Yaakov" minyan of Rabbi Pessin's shul, I met Mr. Cabessa A"H. So refined and sincere. In all of his hanhagos. His davening. His avodah. In his everyday conversation. I started to understand where my good chaver came from. May Hashem be menachem the mishpacha. May we be zoche to the day that all families will be reunited together with the Binyan Bayis Shlishi B'karov.

R’ Shlomo Cabessa


Reb Shlomo loved to daven, and I well remeber his heartfelt and teardrenched teffilot on special shabbatot and yamim nora'im when he would walk miles to be able to join a minyan where he could daven according to his nusach which was so special to him.

R’ Shlomo Cabessa

A true Ohev Hashem

I witnessed about 35 years ago after Reb Shlomo's busy tiring day he wouldn't give up on learning. Once he burst out in tears when he reached the passuk in v'zos habracha, "Vayamos sham Moshe eved Hashem" as if it just had happened. He was a tremendous baal chessed, ohev yisroel and machnis orchim but above all he was a true ohev Hashem. תנצב"ה

R’ Shlomo Cabessa